Jade Mason

Jade Mason

Monday, October 24, 2011

Scary Good Halloween Sausage Ricotta And Pumpkin Pasta!

  Anyone who knows me is well aware of my almost certifiable addiction to anything pumpkin. This is my most favorite time of year.... So much so, that I sing "It's the most wonderful time of the year" as soon as I leave my house and the cool crisp Autumn air hits me and the trees shimmy in the wind blowing my skirt up and amber and scarlet leaves into my perfectly quaffed hair.
I am the first person in line at Brooksby Farms when and they release the pressed cider and don't even make it to my car before I am devouring the delicious apple cider doughnuts!!!
So who doesn't love a good pumpkin ravioli?...but who seriously has time to make them from scratch? Certainly not this busy gal!...So here is my solution...one of my all time favorite fall recipes "Sausage Ricotta and Pumpkin Pasta" Its  yummy, inexpensive  and so easy to make. this is definitely something that celebrates the fall and is ideal to serve company this Halloween weekend before the Trick or Treating festivities begin! I recommend Roasting the Pumpkin the night before and then pureeing when cooled off. And I like to take the seeds toss them with a little butter brown sugar Worcestershire sauce and cayenne for a sweet and spicy treat to serve my guests as they arrive along with some mulled wine or cider!
1 cup roasted pureed pumpkin*
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1/4 cup hard apple cider
1 condensed chicken stock
garlic(1 tsp diced)
1tsp shallots
1bay leaf
1 tsp sage
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp old bay seasoning
2 tbsp Butter
1 pound Pasta cooked
1lb sweet Italian sausage pulled out of the casings

Over medium heat brown the sausage add onions garlic and butter cook 3 minutes. Add the cider,sage, bay leaf and condensed chicken stock. Bring to a boil add the pumpkin reduce heat by 50% and stir.Add heavy cream and simmer 5minutes.Add the cheese. Stir well. Toss with cooked pasta.Top with fresh basil.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Caccaitore" Me Im falling!(Autum Chicken caccaitore with veggie ribbons)

As you know I recently had strep and for two weeks now I have been living on a diet of Wendy's frostys and ice cream because I was unable to swallow anything else...while delicious and soothing I also gained 7pounds! 
I am feeling 10x better and now of course all I am craving are veggies and fruits! This week I'm working some pretty long hours so I wanted to make my "Slow -Cooker Chicken Catcciatore". It's easy fresh, full of flavour and will definitely aid in some much needed quick weight loss! I really wanted to showcase and take advantage of the beautiful Autumn veggies that are readily available at any grocery store..or even better most farmers market. this dish feeds like 6 people and will cost you under 10 bucks!
I will be serving it over my ribbons of Zucchini and Summer squash. The trick to the ribbons is poaching them in chicken broth rather than regular water. It helps mellow out the flavor and really can be a surprising replacement for pasta.
 This best part about this dish is you literally throw everything in the slow cooker before you leave for work and when you get home its done. Italian food is best when its been slow cooked. You really allow the flavours to marry and the meat to become tender and just fall apart. Then when you get home it's simply a matter of poaching the ribbons and serving!
 The best approach to this dish is prep everything the night before and then just throw everything in and your off to work! Enjoy!
Slow cooker Chicken Caccaitore
2 lbs boneless chicken breast
15 oz diced ground peeled tomato's
2 Orange peppers sliced
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1 onion finely diced
1 cup white wine
1 bay leaf
2 tbsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp olive oil;
1tsp sea salt
1 tsp fresh cracked peppers
1 tsp finely diced garlic
Put all ingredients into slow cooker set to low cover and cook 8 hours. Serve:)
Veggie Ribbons
1 large zucchini
1 large yellow summer squash
1 packet knorr chicken stock
1/2 cup white wine
With a potato peeler peel ribbons of zucchini and squash. In Large saute pan bring to boil wine and chicken stock add the ribbons and cover . Stir and cook 3 minutes until tender. Then cover and set aside.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....Im so sick :(

Soooo..........here I am another year older. Work is crazier than ever and I get nailed with strep throat. And thanks to the advice of the nurse at the hospital I decided to enjoy some dry toast to take with my antibiotic so to not upset my stomach.
Well, that same toast , while delicious, also caused me to break a tooth. One root canal later I am on soft foods. And the one saving grace is my mothers chicken soup. If any of you are feeling the pain of the strep or the virus thats going around and cherish your teeth I would recommend making a big pot of chicken soup and take that sinister dry toast and dip in the broth and call it day.
Sorry this isnt the most creative or gourmet recipe...but if you would understand if you saw the condition I am in. Get well!

1 split chicken breast (skin and bones)
1 can college inn chicken broth
2 celery stalks coarsely chopped
1 onion  diced
1 carrot chopped
1 bay leaf
1 package egg noodle
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp ground pepper
8 cups water
Sautee onions  in the olive oil with garlic salt and pepper...3 minutes add water bay leaf and chicken and boil for an hour. Strain broth into a pot. Remove the meat off the bones and add back into strained broth. Add another 2 cups of water bring to boil add egg noodles carrots and celery until noodles are soft and serve. Then go back to bed :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Going Greek....home made creamy greek dressing recipe

So this past Saturday I was in Sommerville for their annual "Greek Festival" with my friend Jen"Crazypants"Fitzgerald. It was so beautiful. On top of a huge hill under big white lit up tents. There was music and dancing...and I had a big fat kiss bestowed upon me courtesy of "Nick the Greek" during an exchange of money for a beautiful coined dancing skirt that he also took the liberty of tying around my waist. AND THE FOOD......oh my god the food! Amazing roasted lamb and vegetables , spinach pie, Baklava drowned in honey and the BEST Greek salad I have ever had in my life!
I was able to finagle the recipe out of one of the greek ladies serving the food...Mary Pantazopoulos..so I wanted to share this with you.
This is the perfect weather for some roasted lamb or pot roast and nothing goes better then a great Greek salad! This is a creamier version and they use buttermilk to thicken it up.I also like to use this to marinate my meats in. So if you have some steak , chicken or lamb tips this works beautifully! "OPA!!"

Creamy Greek Dressing
1/2 cup Olive oil
1/4 cup wine vinegar
1tsp sugar
1 clove of garlic finely minced
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp dill
1/2 cup feta
1/2 cup buttermilk
Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper

Put all ingredients in the food processor or blender blend until smooth. Serve over salad.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hot in the City...Grilled marinated Beef w/Fiesta corn tomato jalepeno and onion salsa and potatos

It's hot...hes hot...what better way to get things smokin then a little heat! This dish is super easy and requires minimal cooking. It can all be done on one grill. The meat can be marinated overnight and the salsa can also  be made the night before and just left in the fridge to chill. This is a great idea for a weeknight or friday night dinner. Because the componets go from fridge to the grill. And if you do make this the night before it also cuts down on clean up!! And that leaves more time for MAKIN-OUT! And heres the very best part...it will all cost you under 10 bucks!!  This is a really cool dish and the bright yellow corn and ruby red tomatos beautifully contrast with the fresh cilantro and deep dark green jalepenos. The flavors are like a fiesta of summer in your mouth!I recomend serving with a nice crisp light beer!Cheers!!
Steaks any kind any size what evers on sale                              cilantro diced
3 ears of corn cut off the cob(steamed and cooled)                   2 tomatos diced
2 jalepenos(diced)                                                                                1 small onion (diced)
lime juice                                                                                                    sea salt 
cummin                                                                                       3 potatos cooked and cooled
olive oil                                                                                    1/4 cup cracked pepper
1/4 cup spicy country style dijon                                               garlic salt
2 cloves garlic diced                                                                 lemon juice

*In a large bowl combine corn tomatos onions cilantro jalepenos sea salt and lemon juice
 cover and chill over night.
*In another bowl mix cumin/ lime juice/ mustard/ olive oil / garlic and cracked pepper with the steak rub and cover completely. Chill over night
*Heatr up the gri;;...add the steaks cook until med rare 2-3 minutes each side depending on thickness. Set aside to let the juices run back through. in the mean time in a bowl toss potatos sea salt and pepper and grill until golden brown.Plate potatos and staek then top with corn salsa and serve!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Great Appetizers Think Alike...herbed cream cheese on pumpernickel with cucmbers and fresh dill

So after a long night of nightmares and not sleeping because apparently my subconscious is trying to work some stuff out... I was able to finally get about an hours sleep ..only to be woken upbright and early by the sounds of construction workers...because nothing says lets build something better then an impending hurricane!!!
  My neighbor Kathy (who graciously donated some gorgeous tomato's from her garden after catching a glimpse of my pathetic bounty in my garden) was preparing for a party. She invited me over to taste test a little appetizer she had whipped together...all I can say is YUMMMMM!!!! She had got a couple mini loafs of sliced pumpernickel and spread a herb and Italian seasoning creamed cheese over the bread and then topped them with sliced cucumbers and fresh dill...They are so sweet and fresh tasting they are very reminiscent of an English tea sandwich.. perfect little Hors d'oeurve for a hot muggy day outside. I absolutely love the flavors and I am really quite surprised that I never thought of this!  Thanks Kathy!!

1 loaf mini pumpernickel
Cream cheese
cucumbers sliced
fresh dill
1 small packet good seasons Italian dressing
fresh parsley (finely diced)
cracked pepper
In a bowl mix cream cheese and packet of dressing with parsley. Spread  each slice of bread with the cream cheese mix and layer with cucumbers and garnish with fresh dill! I would recommend serving these with a nice bottle of prossecco and sleep!!lol

Monday, August 22, 2011

Drama Free Fried Green Tomato BLT's With garlic avacado spread and over easy egg!

So once again I tried my hand at gardening....epic fail!I started back in May carefully caring for the seedlings of two tomato plants, radishs, some cucumbers , lettuce , chilis, and three types of herbs. I waited until an appropriate time and planted them outside.Just like the directions told me to doand then came the freezing temps and snow in JUNE. I am going to take this and run with it as the main reason why I have ONE radish to show for all my love and hard work. But then it was as if it happened overnight 6 mini tomatos appeared on my plants!!! And well, after being cooped up and writing all month...I have decided that tonight I will pluck one of theese babies , fry it up and make a well deserved Fried Green tomato BLT with a garlic avacado spread. This is so easy and perfect for the paitient gardner who can't wait to taste the fruits of his labor. And may i suggest some freah squeezed lemonade and salty kettle chips...perfect end of summer meal! back to the book!Cheers!

1 green tomato sliced and sweeted on paper towels
1 egg beaten
bread crumbs
thick country style bread
1 avacado riped pitted peeled and smashed
1 garlic clve finely diced
bacon (thick cut /cooked)
salt/ pepper/ dash cumin
oil for frying
egg cooked over easy
In a medium saute pan heat oil. Coat each tomato slice with egg then bread crumbs. Fry in oil tiull golden brown on each side. Drain oil on paper towels. Mash fresh garlic salt pepper cummin and 1 tbsp mayo with avacado. Spread mixture on the bread. Layer with lettuce, fried tomatos bacon and then top with fried egg over easy. Serve with some yummy salty kettle chips and lemonade.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nice to SEA-food you again! (shrimp clam scallop and mussel paella)

Who would have thought that writing this book would drain me of any creativity I have left to so much as write up a quick little recipe. I have been so busy finishing up with this project and doing final tests on the recipes I must admit that the very last thing on my mind is food...but lucky for you I have been working on desserts for the past three days and I am hungry!! I have been craving seafood and veggies(anything non-sugar based) and i have most especially been dreaming about Paella.
  Paella is a Spanish dish.it's simular to a jambalaya...it has your rice, sausage, seafood veggies and spices. There are three basic types of paella..they vary depending on where you are in Spain...theres your classic paella that is made with meats and garden veggies and land snails and then there is your mixed paella which is pretty much like a free form (throw anything in ) and then theres my personal favorite shrimp and seafood paella that omits some of the veggies and most importantly .the land snails.. In my version I like to add fresh shucked clams and mussels as well as clam juice, it adds this great briny flavor and really balances out the dish.  Seafood is super cheap right now and kielbasa is on sale everywhere. Your probably looking at spending around $15.00 for a dish that serves 6 comfortably. Theres allot of rain and cooler temps headed our way and this is a fantastic dish to serve for a nice get together.

1tbsp. cold pressed olive oil
1 Spanish onion chopped
1 green pepper finely diced
1 cup kielbasa
1 pound shrimp
1/2 lb fresh clams(cleaned)
1/2 lb scallops
1/2 lb mussels
8 oz. clam juice
3 plum roma tomatos(chopped and seeded)
1/2 cup fresh peas
1/2 cup green olives diced(pitted)
3 cloves garlic diced
1bay leaf
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup white wine
1/4teaspoon saffron
1/2 cup water
3/4 rice
Over med high heat saute the onions and kielbasa until tender. Add garlic and saffron. Cook 2 minutes and then add your rice. Add the clam juice, bay leaf and 1/4 cup water, bring to a boil then reduce to medium heat and cover. Simmer 10 minutes. Add tomatoes and wine then cover and simmer 15 minutes until the rice is tender. Add all the seafood and cook for 8 minutes until rice is done. Serve.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Asian Style Salt and Pepper Spicy Calamari ....Great beat-the-heat Summer Eats

Round two of some hot weather cooking ideas... this recipe for fried calamari is almost as easy as the ceviche I made last week. It's light tender and thanks to some fiery chili's has a bit of a bite!   The first time I had this was at my baby sister Jenny's graduation dinner in Colorado. I asked them how they got the calamari so tender and the chef said "The trick is to soak your squid over night in a milk bath. The lactic acid helps break down the chewy fisheys making then tender as well as really bringing out the mild sweet taste of the squid".....
Most of you who know me are aware that when it comes to my seafood I prefer to keep it simple...like cornmeal and coconut oil simple. Something about the coconut oil gives a very subtle island feel to the fish. Besides that coconut oil is sooooooooooooo good for you!  So it goes without saying we'll be preparing the calamari the same way.This week at Market basket it's on sale for $4.99 a lb!!! So you can grab a couple pounds for what it would cost you as an appetizer in a resturant!
  One of my favorite ways to have calamari is more an Asian style...over a thinly sliced and seasoned bed of lettuce and tossed with jalapenos, chilli's and fresh lemon.  Serve alfresco with a nice Thai beer (I LOVE " Singha ") and beat the heat!

Fried Calamari
1-2 lbs calamari               salt/ pepper
2 cups milk                       sliced and diced fresh jalapeno
cornmeal                          1 red chili diced and set aside
coconut oil                        1/2 head of lettuce thinly sliced
LEMON(2-3 cut into 4)

*soak calamari in milk at least overnight. Heat oil in pan at least 1/2 inch on med high heat. Place cornmeal in a large bowl and add salt and pepper. Take calamari out of milk bath and toss in cornmeal until completely covered. After well coated place coated calamari into the coconut oil and fry 2 minutes add the jalepenos..cook for 30 more seconds then turn the calamari over cook for 2 more minutes and then add the red chilli's(always add dried red chili's at the end , if you cook them too long they taste bitter) Cook another 30 seconds or until the calamari is golden brown . Drain off oil on some paper towels then top the lettuce with the calamari and peppers sprinkle with some sea salt and pepper and serve with lots of lemon!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'M MELTING!!!!...Cool no cook Red Snapper Ceviche...

Holy heat Batman! I don't know about you, but this week sucked!! Between the 3 digit temperatures and outages(oh yeah, a transformer blew on my street so we were with out electricity for 2 days..it was terrible!)
there was no way on God's green earth I was going to even attempt something as crazy as "COOKING" in this unbearable heat...The good news is I have an arsenal of "no-cook" dishes perfect for weather like this...
  My son Conrad absolutely loves Ceviche!... Particularly Red Snapper Ceviche. When he was around 7 he went through a Cevieche phase and that summer he had it at least twice a week for 3 months!!. We would head over to the Atlantic Seafood Company in Lynn and he would pick out the snapper of his choice and they would scale it and take the bones out so all I really had to do was dice it and throw it in a little lemon lime and orange juice toss with a few herbs and veggies chill for an hour...and Presto!...dinner was served. This is seriously the EASIEST meal to make and the best part is your house won't smell like fish! Red Snapper is everywhere and it's on sale!! So I would recommend grabbing a pound or two and getting your Ceviche on!.
This recipe is enough to serve 4 . Spin up a fresh batch of frozen Margaritas and you have a fresh ,exciting, healthy ,light, impressive ,and inexpensive meal!

Red Snapper Ceviche
1 lb. red snapper fillets(diced)             1tbsp finely diced jalapenos
juice from 2 lemons                          1/4 cup thinly sliced red onions
juice from 2 limes                              1/4cup finely diced yellow peppers
juice from 1 orange                           1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp sea salt/ pepper                      1/4 cup fresh cilantro coarsely chopped
1 tbps olive oil

In a large bowl mix snapper , juices, jalapenos, peppers, onions, sea salt ,pepper and cumin.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Toss in cilantro and olive oil and serve...stay cool my friends!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hemingway's greatest contribution!..."El Hemingway" Rum, Grapefruit and Lime!


We can really give a big fat "Gracias" to Cuba for making popular one of Americas favorite liquors ...RUM!  Cuba is also the place where my favorite cocktail "El Hemingway" was invented. 
 Ernest Hemingway had made his home in Cuba between 1939 to 1960, at a place called "Finca Vigia" ( Look Out Farm) where he wrote seven books, including The Old Man and the Sea, A Moveable Feast and Islands in the Stream .
 And the inventor of Bacardi...Facundo Bacardi was the first  mayor of Santiago ,Cuba and he helped pioneer Cuban style rum, known for its light, dry, smoothness.
He devised a charcoal filter system and began aging rum in oak barrels which gave the spirit it's unique cuban qualities!
In 1862, Facundo Bacardi opened his first tin-roofed, dirt-floored distillery on Matadero Street in Santiago,an eastern city in Cuba.
Bacardi racked up a bunch of international awards at the turn of the cetury and soon its rum became known as "the one that has made Cuba famous."
Prohibition sent thirsty Americans scurrying to Cuba to wet their whistles. And that eventually lead to the most disgusting cocktail of all times "Rum and Coke"! Years later in 39' hemingways love affair with Cuba resulted in the drink that bares his name!
The Mojitos had a huge run in the 90's and are still extremely popular. But my most favorite way to drink my rum is the same way Ernest Hemingway himself drank it...with some fresh grapefruit juice and lime!  I make mine with fresh squeezed pink grapefruits and packed crushed ice...kind of like an adult icecone and unlike Hemingway I prefer to top it off with some club soda and of course lime. My version is  simple ,refreshing, grown up and a far cry from those sweet rum drinks made popular by Chinese resturants and silly co-ed's the world over.
Most important of all  you won't feel like a loser ordering it(seriously , I haven't ordered a Mojito since 98')!  And let's not forget the "Censational"savings...The cost for a bottle some grapefruit limes and clubsoda is $20 bucks..thats the price of two drinks at your local bar!
 So this week after a long hot day go up to your roof top deck(cause we all have one,not!) throw on some Gypsy Kings spin up a few "Hemingways"and expirience your own little bit of Heavan-na(lol)! CHEERS!

El Hemingway ( serves2,normally.. this is like one drink for me)
4 oz dark Bacardi
4oz. pink grapefruit juice

8oz. club soda
Juice from 1 lime
Crushed ice packed well

Pack ice into glass and pour equal parts rum and fresh squeezed pink grapefruit, club soda and then add lime juice and an island breeze and enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And away we go!! ........Easy portable summer meal to go!....

So I have been BBQ-ing like a law is about to be passed banning BBQ-ing 4ever!!! It looks like my little chat with Summer worked and he was able to pull it together...for now.
  It's 4th of July weekend!!! Most of us will be traveling to various towns and cities to watch the fireworks on nights other than the 4th. So I wanted to come up with a menu that was portable and also says" I love my independance and Im gonna celebrate it!" ...the result:

All american Fried Chicken, Sweet liberty pocket Cherry pies and Homemade Salt and Veggies on a stick..all easy to make and easy to carry along to where ever you go!

Fried Chicken is so easy to make (time consuming but easy) and it actually tastes better after it's been chilled in the fridge over night! But most importantly..it's portable! Cherry pie is about as american as it gets but this version allows everyone to have their own pie and not be confined to a plate and fork. Potatos on a stick is a great and salty treat and makes eating veggies supper fun! And let's not forget the cost we are talking under $12.00 for the chicken ,pies and potato sticks!!! "Centsational"!

Ice-box fried chicken to go
12 drumbsticks               1 tbsp fresh ground pepper
2 cups flour                     1 tbsp paprika
1tbsp oldbay seasoning    2cups frying oil
1tbsp cayenne pepper   
heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. In a large bowl combine all the dry ingredients then wash and pat dry the chicken. toss in flour mixture and coat well. place 6 drumbsticks in the oil and fry 7minutes both sides then remove froim oil and place on papertowels to soak up excess oil. repeat with remaining drmbsticks.
Chill over night.

Pocket Cherry pies
1 cup cherry pie filling
2  9inch pie crusts
1 egg beaten
Preheat the oven to 375* cut each pie in half place a 1/4 cup filling in each and fold over and press all around to seal. brush all 4 mini pies with egg mixture and bake 15 minutes...until golden brown. Chill.

 Potatos on a stick
1 large red potato
1 sweet potatos
one onion
Soak wooken skewers in water. quarter potatos and onions and toss in olive oil and sea salt pepper and rosemary. skewer potatos onto sticks and roast at 425* for 30 minutes until the poatos are soft when pierced through with fork. Sprinkle with malt vinegar and sea salt

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer, we need to talk.......................

What the hell Summer? You really need to consider getting some help and possibly some medication to regulate your mood! You are scaring us and we are very concerned! How about you come on over for some lemonade and we can discuss what the hell is going on in your life that is so bad that you can't throw us a bone and give us 3 consecutive beach days...preferably on the weekend. Lets talk..just let it out because next thing you know Falls gonna come along and bring your relative "Indian Summer" and everyones gonna say "the hell with you Summer! I'm planning my vacations in September, because you can't do your godamn job and be warm and sunny!!!" Get it together ! What ever is responsible for making you so moody isn't worth losing your status as the "fun favorite season"!
  So I am literally writing this from beneath 3 blankets i have fashioned into a make shift igloo type shelter from the freezing temperatures. I am feeling like I want something that can really warm me up but that won't require to much effort because of the coma effect this crap weather is having on me..so time to bust out my friend "the slow cooker" and I am going to make one of my favorite Colombian stews...This is a traditional Colombian dish complete with tender beef, hearty sweet potatoes, sweet apricots in a savory cinnamon garlic tomato and wine sauce...It is a super tasty alternative to the usual beef stew and this is like a $7 dish that you can pick on all day whip up a quick corn bread and call it a day!...:)

 Cold summer Colombian Beef and Sweet Potato Stew...
1 lb boneless beef chuck
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons canola oil
3 cups peeled sweet potatoes cut into 1inch squares
2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1 bay leaf
1 stick cinnamon
1 large onion diced
1 can (28 oz)  whole peeled tomatoes  undrained
1/2     cups dried apricots, cut in half
 1/4    cup white wine


 Remove  the excess fat from beef. Cut beef into 1-inch pieces. Season with salt and pepper. In skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook beef in oil for about 5 minutes until brown on both sides.
In slow cooker, mix beef and remaining ingredients. (except the apricots)Cover; cook on Low heat setting 4-6 hours or until beef is tender.  15 minutes before serving add in the apricots until soft. ***don't forget that corn bread!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Christmas in June..Introducing Ashlyn Jackson

I never post any of my recipes from my upcoming book..however, this is a special occasion. My niece Ashlyn Jackson just graduated from middle school and she really wanted me to give her a cooking lesson. The requested dish was my "Christmas Enchiladas"..these aren't just any enchilada they are the holy grail of enchiladas that will have you singing Christmas carols!
Ashlyn has always been a fan of Auntie's cooking...since she was a baby. I swear she cut her teeth just so she would be able to eat my food at 6months! It was a total trip having her in the kitchen with me as my little sous-chef. I am also proud to say she took to that knife like it was part of her hand. She had never sliced or diced or minced and she was a natural!! We spent about 2 hours and made the X-mas enchiladas, homemade queso, homeade chips and salsa and my garden guacamole(check out the photos they were all her!!)..2 hours and in a matter of 20 minutes my mum, son and Ashlyn had devoured everything!!!
...So looks like we will be having some cooking camps this summer and I can't wait to see her progress...maybe even kicking my butt in the kitchen!!!
We roasted our own chili's for the tomiltilo and chili salsa verde* that is one of the key components as well as my secret cream sauce that will have you eating out of the pot before you even have time to stuff the tortillas. It is definitely one of those dishes that you need to have some time on your hands to make but the outcome are some enchiladas so spectacular you can serve them to the baby Jesus himself  and are certainly worthy of any celebratory event: )....Congrats Ash!!!!xoxoxox Happy June Christmas everyone!! lol

1lb. chicken breast                             1beer
3long green chillis(roasted/diced)         8oz. chive and onion cream cheese
1/2 onion diced onion                         1tsp cumin
8 flour tortillas                                     *salsa verde(recipe in book)1cup
1package shredded cheddar cheese
In a large fry pan place chicken and pour beer in and bring to boil. Poach chicken until white all the way through. take chicken out from stock and slice and dice then return to stock. Add onions,chilli's, cumin and cream cheese and mix until well blended. Heat oven to 425*. Cup tortillas and fill with chicken and sauce and roll. Place side by side in casserole dish. Top with salsa verde and then with cheese. bake for 20 minutes until cheese melts and looks crispy....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is R E D I C U L O U S!!!......june12th BBQ

Don't adjust your eyes...that is a full on burning fire and those are guests wrapped in blankets this past Sunday. I will not be posting anything 2day because I mostly ate  "wine" at this particular BBQ...I just wanted you to share in this moment!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Can I have some "MORE"?!!......

  Well it was super for Summer to finally show up...I just didn't expect him to show up so ANGRY!!! Between the desert like 97* temperatures and the tornado's..yes I said tornado's, and the torrential down pour thunder and lightening that caused me to loose electricity, summer is behaving more like Mark Walberg in the movie the "The Crush" then an actual season.
Today was absolutely ridiculous! But then a cool breeze name Toni Farenelli blew into town and she brought her notorious "MORE" chicken pasta salad. You may be thinking "what's so gourmet about a pasta salad?"(if your a total jerk) but do not be fooled!!!This is a carefully crafted pasta dream dish!All  the components are skillfully prepared separately and could most certainly stand on their own, but together.....they are amazing! I recommend making a big pot of this so you and the family can enjoy it all weekend...and enough so when you wake up in the middle of the night wanting "More" and wake up in the morning craving "More" you will understand where the name came from...This literally makes enough to fill a spaghetti pot and will cost you roughly 10bucks ! ***I am going to give you 3 separate recipes just tobeak up the reipe and make this easier. So make each one then combine at the end.
1lb elbow maccaroni
1/4 cup mao
1/4cup ranch dressing
1tsp each garlic powder and onion powder
1tsp olive oil
*Cook pasta accoding to package directions...then drain and while still warm add mayo dressing and spices ,toss and set aside
1 diced english cucumber
1 diced tomato
1/2 cup sliced black olives
1/4cup Itailian dressing
*combine all ingreients and toss well and set aside
Part 3
1 lb chicken cutlets coursely diced
1tsp minced garlic
1tbsp olive oil
2tbsp butter
In medium sauce pan over med heat add olive oil brown the chicken on both sides add butter so its melted
remove from heat and add garlic toss and coat all the chicken well.
In a large bowl or pot combine all ingredients and mix well. cool in fridge 1/2 hour min. Have some and then have some more and some more and some more!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

YUMM!!! Rosemary Olive oil Brushed Bruschetta with Marscapone cheese Prosciutto and Orange Marmalade

Wondering what the hell to do with the rest of that Marmalade from the BBQ?...When I was a child my mum used to make little tea sandwiches for absolutely no reason or occasion (my mother is not British so I have no idea why...lol)one of my favorites was  the ham , marmalade and butter with the little crusts cut off...(no tea in sight)... So this is me taking that English favorite and making it into a more acceptable and hearty Big-girl treat and having it make a little sense :-) . Im replacing the ham with prosciutto and the thinly slice white bread with a nice rustic Italian loaf and for the butter a creamy dreamy marscapone.
 Run over to Stop and Shop on Friday for a gorgeous loaf of Italian bread for 99cents!!..some marscapone cheese(if you have never had this it is super buttery and creamy!!) and some prosciutto. Heat up the indoor grill (because it's raining ...AGAIN!!) and slice the bread length wise. Brush with some olive oil and fresh rosemary sprigs...grill till crispy with grill marks. Spread one side with the marscapone cheese and the other with the marmalade layer the prosciutto between the breads and then slice into sandwiches...I would recommend serving with a nice sweet red pepper soup and and big glass of iced tea:) Another fantastic way to serve these sandwiches is for a brunch. Make a nice fruit salad and a plate of grilled spicy red cherry peppers and serve with some prosecco.... Serve al fresco!!(if the rain actually stops)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Diet BBQ Part Dux( Memorial Day BBQ for 6 under $20...and under 10 grams of fat!)

Good thing the world didn't end or you would not have the chance to try my recipes ...now heres a BBQ to Diet for! It was a hard trying to come up with some recipes that combined would still keep with the guidelines I set out in the previous blog...BUT I did it!!! And the trial run this past Sunday with my good friends "crazypants"Jen Fitzgerald and "Bevans" proved a success!
  So heres whats on the menu...Brandy Mandarian BBQ Chicken, Salt and Vinegar Dill Potato Salad, Fresh Corn and a Watermelon Mint Greek Salad...all highlighting the seasons fresh herbs and flavors and saving you big time on the calories so you can enjoy some yummy Lemon Mint Julieups!
The best surprise of all however, is you can do this complete BBQ for 6 people at about $20 bucks!!!This week I got everything at Market Basket...split chicken breast were $2.21 each!! I bought 3 and some delicious buttery potatos for $2.99 a bag and corn $1.99 for 5 ears...and then the watermelon was only $1.70. Add in the little  incidentals and it came to just over twenty dollars!!
Everything can be prepped the night before so you can seriously relax! In fact I would even encourage you to prepare these dishes the day before allowing everything to marry together and really develope the flavors....So lets get started!
Orange and Brandy BBQ Chicken
3 split Chicken Breasts(washed and pat dry)
1/2 cup Orange Marmalade                        1tsp red chili sauce
1/2 cup BBQ sauce                                     1tsp soy sauce
1 nip of Brandy
In bowl comnine all ingredients...except chicken. Reserve 1/2 cup of sauce and place chicken in a baking dish and cover chicken with the sauce chill in fridge over night(minimum 2 hours) and when ready to grill cook till white all the way through and top with reserved sauce just before serving.

Salt and Vinegar Dilled Potatos
12 medium/small butter potatos               1/4cup scallions diced
fresh dill                                                   1tbsp olive oil
1tbsp MALT vinegar                             salt and pepper to taste
 Boil potatos until can be pierced easily with a fork. While warm quarter the potatos then add scallions and fresh chopped dill toss with olive oil vinegar and season with salt and pepper..then cover and chill in fridge till ready to serve.*by tossing everything together while warm it allow all the flavors from the dill to open up

Watermelon Greek Salad
2cups watermelon diced                        1/4 cup red onion sliced fine
1/4cup kalamata olives                           juice from one lime
1/2 cup fresh mint diced                        1/4 cup low fat feta
In a bowl comine the red onion and lime juice and allow to marinate min. one hour. Season with a little sea salt and pepper. When ready to serve layer watermelon mint olives and feta and at the last minute toss with the red onions and lime juice

*Fresh Corn(grill or boil your choice)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's my BBQ and I'll Diet if I want too! (Strawberry Vanilla Almond Cream Pie with Honey Gram Crust)

My friend Jennifer called me in a panic...she's hosting a Memorial Day BBQ,and like most of us shes on a diet. (Years of Gourmet cooking finally caught up with me...and my ass so I am also on Weight Watchers with her) Anyway, shes a tad challenged in the kitchen and she wants this BBQ to be as WW-friendly as possible. SOOOOO..this whole week I will be experimenting and giving you all some Censational Low fat Weight Watchers friendly BBQ ideas. (Here's my challenge: Come up with a BBQ menu start to finish for around 10grams of fat and under 15 points...for some perspective a children's cheeseburger Happy Meal @McDonald's is 24 grams of fat and 15points and most importantly keeping the cost CENSATIONAL!!The total cost for this was $5.00 and that's for 2 pies!!)
  It's hard being a gourmet chef and being on any kind of calorie restricted anything but I must say it's been fun and so far I have lost 24lbs in 3 months. So this is for all of you who are also trying to loose some lbs. but still LOVE and appreciate Gourmet food.*please excuse some of the ingredients they may not all be made from scratch, however in order to keep with in the guidelines it's necessary.

Strawberry vanilla-almond cream pie w/ honey gram crust
1 quart strawberries thinly sliced
1 package sugar free / fat free vanilla pudding
1 cup fat free milk
1/4 tsp almond extract
1tub frozen fat free whipped topping(cool whip)
8 gram crackers finely crushed in food processor
Butter PAM

Spray 2 pie pans with Butter PAM..pour half gram cracker mix in each and spread to fill bottom of pan. In bowl mix pudding and milk together let set then mix with entire container of fat free Cool Whip pour 1/2 mixture in each and spread to cover the crust and then layer strawberries on top and freeze until ready to serve! 1/4 of this pie is 1POINT and only 2 grams of fat!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos Ben Warner !!...and Happy Cinco de Mayo all!

I have two reasons to celebrate Cinco De Mayo...first because it's a great way to pay tribute to all that the mexican culture has contributed to the US (Gracias for the tequila and salsa!!)..but also it is my friend Ben's birthday! Hopefully alot of you will be getting together to celebrate...my friends and I typically will do a pot luck..and everyone brings a dish or side of some sort for a big meal or we will just do apps and drinks before heading out to a local establishment to continue the party.
 In honor of Ben's birthday I am going to give you guys the BEST margarita recipe and an awesome Guac-dip. I have over 10 gauc recipes and have won many a "GUAC-OFF"!
 This one I actually got when I was working out in Hollywood...my friends Cherryl's roomate Chad used to make this...and let me just say there are photos somewhere of a group of us that actually took the guac and hid away in a closet and devoured the entire bowl! If this is all you do this Cinco De Mayo...it's enough! Enjoy!..Happy birthday Ben!

Ben's Birthday Margaritas
1 can frozen lime aid
6 limes squeezed
1 cup Orange juice
1 bottle tequila (smokey)
Throw all of it in a pitcure and mix....coat the rims of glasses with a salt sugar cayenne pepper mix and serve over ice!

The Chad's Guac Dip
4 ripe avacados peeled/pitted and smashed       1tbsp finelydiced jalepeno
juice from 1 lime and 1/2 lemon                         1tsp cumin
1 tomato diced                                                  salt and pepper to taste
1 onion diced                                                     1/2 cup finely diced cilantro
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese                        1/4 tsp habeneo sauce
1/2 tsp cayenne
Mixed it all together and chill..serve with chips or plantains!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why does Spring hate me?!!!

If spring refuses to come out and discuss this like adults then I refuse to post any spring -like recipes! This is typically the time of year when Im grilling up lamb chops and tossing some fennel and arugula salads..but becuase Mother Nature is acting like the non-commital boyfriend I have been seeing for the past three years and refusing to just pick a season and stick with it, I am finding it really difficult to get inspired and really feel that "springtime renewal feeling". Instead I have been feeling the need to escape to foriegn lands..like India! I was super sick over the weekend along with everyone else in this state, and for just the simple desire to actually breathe I whipped up some delicious and aromatic indian. Indian food can be pretty complex and the ingredients can be pricy and not always easy to find. But it can also be a beautifully simple..and INEXPENSIVE!! This meal will cost you 10bucks and you have enough to serve 4 or pick at all weekend!!Here's my take on Tandorri Chicken and a Spicy Tomato Onion Chutney (I bought Nann bread..I was sick cut me some slack)and a Cucumber Radish salad...Ananda (Hindi for Enjoy!)*bonus-it's diet friendly!!

Tandori chicken
1small conatiner ff plain yogart           2 smahed garlic cloves
4 chicken cutlets                                lemon juice 1/2 lemon
fresh grated ginger                             paprika/tumeric 1tbsp each
1/4 cup diced cilantro                          1tsp cumin
Throw all of the ingredients in a conatiner toss marinate for 4 hours. heat up grill and cook 4 minutes each side. (check inside to make sure it's white)

Tomato Onion Chutney
lime juice 1/4cup                      tumeric 1tsp      grated ginger 1tsp
4 roma tomatos finely diced      paprika 1tsp    1tsp oil
1 small onion finely diced           seasalt  1tsp    cumin 1tsp
 Mixed all ingerients together and chill. Serve with warm nann bread.

Cucumber Radish cilantro Salad
1cup peeled halved and sliced cumcuber         1 cup sliced radish
1tbsp plain fat free yogart                              1tbsp lemon juice
Fresh dill chopped 1/4 cup                                   
Mix all ingredients together and serve chilled.:)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nothing says "Fiesta!!" like a cold crappy snowy day!..in April

Snow.....really? Well the good news is that we have more followers!!! The bad news is it is so crappy out! Its that wet sticky heavy rainy snow. The snow that seems to turn all new englander's into senior citizens  behind the wheel..breaking for no apparent reason and driving 15 miles per hour on Route 1.  So today after the aggravations of the road I was in no mood to deal with the large super markets so I went back to my safety...Crosby's market. And despite the crap weather I am feeling quite festive! So I grabbed a pack of beautiful stir fry beef for $2.23(already pre-sliced) and some corn tortillas for $1 ...some fresh cilantro and onion and a lime...and thats when I saw them...bright bulbs of orange winking at me from behind the jalepenos triple dog daring me to come closer and possibly consider taking them home...HABENEROS!!! Just saying the word evokes instant memories off flesh burning heat in my mouth!! So I grabbed them and also a small container of sour cream(for emergency cooling on contact) Now I never used to use gloves...until I literally burned my eye an hour after contact with a habenero..so as a safety precaution I would put on a pair of latex gloves and call it a day. My favorite way to fire roast anything is simple...skewer the veg and lay it on top of open flame on stove...until you start to see a nice char(black spots) and then turn the skewer to get even effect all the way around. Cool the veg, in this case the Habenero, and then after putting on the gloves scoop out and devaine the insides. Throw into a blender with salt lime juice and a dash of cummin and you have a phenomenal habenero sauce!!
 Now turn your indoor grill on and then cook the beef to your liking..steam the corn tortillas and then assemble ..corn tortilla beef , diced onion fresh cilantro accompany with a lime and some sour cream on the side. Serve the fresh roast habenero on the side or with some fresh pico de giao and instantly transport those taste buds to a warm south American fiesta!** I always have rice to serve with my tacos de carne.. but I keep it simple: cooked rice,  butter,  sea salt and pepper..it plays nicely with the fire in your mouth from the beef tacos.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To jump in the mouth....and then some!!!

I am so in the mood for something a little different...I know it's Lamb season but I am not sure the pricers at the local markets are in the know, regardless..... I am down for some yummy Italiano!!! I have been craving Saltimbocca.  Saltimbocca is a mediterainian dish..typically made with pulverized veal (scallopini style), prosciutto, marsala, sage and served over pasta in a thick butter wine sauce.. Now besides the fact that veal isn't at it's cheapest right now...the weather is also amazing and beautiful and sunny!! So I really don't want a  heavy hot dish, I just want the flavors... I was playing around with the ingredients and came up with a grilled Chicken Saltimbocca Sandwich on ciabatta bread brushed with a sage butter , topped with artichokes and rosemary ham with a  marsala mayo!!!
 This is easy unexpected and inexpensive!!! You can literally feed 6 people for just over 10 bucks!!! Have your friends bring over a nice bottle of  Pino gricio and maybe some italian flavored chips (lays makes a nice Tuscany inspired potato chip)then fire up the grill and you are good to go!!This would also pair well with a firey roasted red pepper soup.
The word Saltimbocca translates to "to jump in the mouth" I hope my original play on the dish has the same effect!
Grilled Saltimbocca Sandwiches                                      1/4 cup fresh sage diced fine
3 chicken breasts sliced in half length wise                        1 stick of butter melted
6 slices rosemary Ham (sliced)                                             1/2 cup mayo
1 loaf Ciabatta bread(sliced length wise)                            1/2cup marsala wine( reserve 1tbsp)
sea salt fresh pepper to taste                                             1cup artichokes cut in half
garlic salt onion powder and olive oil to coat the chicken                     

 Add fresh sage to melted butter.Slice the bread legnth wise and spread sage butter all over. Grill face/butter side down until grill marks appear. Set aside. Lightly coat the 6 chicken cutlets with garlic salt olive oil and onion powder. Place on grill.
In sauce pan add marsala and remaining sage butter. Add the artichokes cook 2 minutesadd the sliced up rosemary ham and remove from heat. In bowl add 1tbsp of the marsala to 1/2 cup mayo. Grab a big platter...cut the bread to make 6 sandwiches... when chicken is cooked (white all the way through) spread mayo on each sandwhich and then layer chicken  top with artichokes and ham mixture. Serve with a nice glass of white wine...Belisimo!
Quick Fire Roasted Red Pepper Soup
3 red bell peppers (roasted and chared over open flame)then pureed
1 can chicken broth                                                       
1/2 cup white wine
1 tbsp butter
1 bay leaf sea salt and fresh pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in soup pan and bring to boil then simmer and serve.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

If hugs were a food they would be BREAD PUDDING....

I don't know if it's the weather or my just obvious lack of luck but I need a hug! And seeing how I  am lacking in the love department at this moment...I think a nice warm Rum- Bread pudding will definitely do the trick!

So lets start off with THE BARGAIN OF THE CENTURY!!!...Stop and Shop, every Friday,.fresh out of the oven , still warm,Italian bread..the whole loaf (lol) for only 99cents!!!! So needless to say you will be seeing allot more recipes with Italian bread on Fridays! If you have read my earlier blogs you are more than aware of my long standing love affair with bread. I think that if you are having a crappy week and maybe had a dream or two crushed and you are inclined to fill an empty void by eating your feelings nothing does the trick better than bread..in any form. But if you are feeling especially vulnerable then it only makes sense to add lots of sugar and butter and top it all off with some rum.. readers...here's a hug!:
Hold me Rum Bread Pudding
1 loaf Italian bread torn into pieces           1 cup diced bananas

1 cup brown sugar                                   1/2 cup golden raisins
1 cup white sugar                                     3 eggs
3 1/2 cups milk                                               3 tbsp butter
1/2 cup rum                                                 2tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon                                           1/2tsp nutmeg

soak the bread in the milk and rum for 30 minutes. Pre heat the oven to 350. Spread butter all over the bottom of a baking dish. mix the rest of the ingredients into the bread milk and rum and then pour into dish and bake 30-35 minutes until brown...and smile!! Things will work out!:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


If you are new to Centsational Gourmet please take a minute and sign up as a follower. The site is currently under construction but I can't ignore the requests for recipes...definitely go back to some earlier posts ..I promise they are funny and there are some terrific Gourmet ideas!-Jade

Top of the mornin' to ya!...Hangover cures for your St. Patty's day left overs

OH BOY!!!...Here we go again!!! St. Patty's Day. Well ,aside from the obvious boiled dinner and tons of beer,  I like to grab a few other things and have on hand so I can use that leprechaun magic and whip up my "Pot of Gold" casserole for brunch on Saturday. It has a corned beef base and it consists of layers of sliced potatoes, apples and leeks. I tie it all together with a cheese creamy sauce and bake. The flavors are surprising and fresh. I of course LOVE my corned beef hash and that is typically made for the Sunday following St. Patties day. But my "Pot of Gold" casserole is one of those great recipes you can make and people can pick at and serve themselves all day. It is so yummy and really ties in the flavors of spring by incorporating those delicious leeks.
Now I like to boil extra potatoes with my boiled dinner so I have the potatoes all ready to go into my Casserole as well as my hash. By only adding a few extra ingredients you are creating two more wonderful meals out of one boiled dinner! Way to be Centsational! Happy St. Patricks day!
Pot of Gold Casserole
  2 1/2 cups leeks (only white and lt green parts)sliced    2 Tbsp butter
7 cups boiled potatoes sliced                                            1/4 cup white wine
1 cup sliced apples                                                         8oz Shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 cup diced cooked corned beef                                    1 1/4cup light cream

Preheat the oven to 350*. in a large pot over med heat melt the butter add leeks. stir until soft. Add apples and potatoes with the white wine and cream and salt and pepper. Bring to boil and simmer for about 5 minutes. Transfer half of the mixture into a baking dish and sprinkle half the cheese top with remaining mixture..
sprinkle rest of cheese and cover bake for 20 minutes and then bake 10 minutes more until cheese is golden brown. Enjoy.

Sunday Brunch Hash(serve in place of canadian bacon for and Irish Eggs Benedict)
*take left over potatoes and dice about 1 cup add 1/2 cup diced onion. Heat 1 tbsp oil med heat .Cook until golden brown then add 1 cup diced corned beef with salt and pepper and 1 tsp onion powder and dash garlic salt. continue cooking until browned and crispy....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rain rain go away...3 weekend recipes for the rainy day blues

Seriously?...I am so over this weather. I had a really crappy week and I get to celebrate with flood warnings in my area. Last year, two weeks after I purchased my car I was caught in a flash flood and had to have my entire engine rebuilt. So this weekend I refuse to drive anywhere except Crosby's Marketplace. I grabbed their circular and pulled out some of the featured sale items.
For years I stayed away from slow cookers due to memories of crappy pre-frozen meatballs and other staples you find at large gatherings of people. It kinda always tasted muddled , overly salty and over cooked...But then through trial and error I discovered what dishes really work and which ones you just slow cook the taste out of everything. Now EVERY weekend I always have something brewing in the "cauldron" as I like to refer to my slow cooker. It's perfect because there are always people in and out of my house and it's something you can do and people can just pick all day. That being said Pot roast is the most perfect rainy day meal and it is on sale this week for only $3.29 a lb. So I bought a little 2lb roast a couple large potato's grabbed a few handfuls of green beans and I already had some carrots and celery...I also bought a pack of Italian style sausages for $3.99 a large onion , a beautiful yellow pepper, a pack of fresh sub rolls and a gorgeous 16oz pint of fresh strawberries for only $2.99.(for a fabulous fondue) My bag of groceries came to just over $20!! And here's the kicker...all three dishes can be made in the slow cooker!!! That's enough to make you want to sing in the rain!

Slow Cooker Sausage Peppers and Onions
1 pack of Italian sausages        1tsp olive oil         1 pack sub rolls
 1 yellow pepper sliced            1 bay leaf              1/4 cup white wine
1 large onion sliced                  1tsp fennel seeds     Dijon mustard
 In slow cooker combine sausage white wine olive oil fennel seeds and bay leafs cook on low heat for 2 hours. Then add yellow peppers and onions mix around and cook for 30 minutes(check the inside of sausage to be sure its cooked add another 30 minutes if needed) then turn heat to warm and everyone can come grab a nice sausage pepper onion sandwich ..leave the rolls and mustard near by.
Slow Cooker Pot Roast
2 lbs pot roast                     3 carrots chopped
3 large potato's quartered      3 celery stalks chopped
1 cup red wine                      3 cloves garlic mashed
1 onion diced                        1 packet beef onion dry soup mix
green beans(2 hand fulls)        1tsp olive oil/1 bay leaf/1 tbsp peppercorns

Put all ingredients in slow cooker on low and cover 4 hours until you can put a fork through potato easily. Turn to warm and again let everyone help themselves..
Strawberry Fondue
1 pint strawberries                       1/4 cup brandy
1 cup semi sweet chocolate
2/3 cup heavy cream
Turn the slow cooker on low and heat the chocolate and cream until chocolate is melted stir frequently and then add the brandy...turn heat to warm. Place a bowl of fresh washed strawberries and stick next to the slow cooker and this is a terrific movie night dessert...YUMM!