Jade Mason

Jade Mason

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why does Spring hate me?!!!

If spring refuses to come out and discuss this like adults then I refuse to post any spring -like recipes! This is typically the time of year when Im grilling up lamb chops and tossing some fennel and arugula salads..but becuase Mother Nature is acting like the non-commital boyfriend I have been seeing for the past three years and refusing to just pick a season and stick with it, I am finding it really difficult to get inspired and really feel that "springtime renewal feeling". Instead I have been feeling the need to escape to foriegn lands..like India! I was super sick over the weekend along with everyone else in this state, and for just the simple desire to actually breathe I whipped up some delicious and aromatic indian. Indian food can be pretty complex and the ingredients can be pricy and not always easy to find. But it can also be a beautifully simple..and INEXPENSIVE!! This meal will cost you 10bucks and you have enough to serve 4 or pick at all weekend!!Here's my take on Tandorri Chicken and a Spicy Tomato Onion Chutney (I bought Nann bread..I was sick cut me some slack)and a Cucumber Radish salad...Ananda (Hindi for Enjoy!)*bonus-it's diet friendly!!

Tandori chicken
1small conatiner ff plain yogart           2 smahed garlic cloves
4 chicken cutlets                                lemon juice 1/2 lemon
fresh grated ginger                             paprika/tumeric 1tbsp each
1/4 cup diced cilantro                          1tsp cumin
Throw all of the ingredients in a conatiner toss marinate for 4 hours. heat up grill and cook 4 minutes each side. (check inside to make sure it's white)

Tomato Onion Chutney
lime juice 1/4cup                      tumeric 1tsp      grated ginger 1tsp
4 roma tomatos finely diced      paprika 1tsp    1tsp oil
1 small onion finely diced           seasalt  1tsp    cumin 1tsp
 Mixed all ingerients together and chill. Serve with warm nann bread.

Cucumber Radish cilantro Salad
1cup peeled halved and sliced cumcuber         1 cup sliced radish
1tbsp plain fat free yogart                              1tbsp lemon juice
Fresh dill chopped 1/4 cup                                   
Mix all ingredients together and serve chilled.:)

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