Jade Mason

Jade Mason

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm just a Bramblin Rose....

Something about a crusty baguette, fruit, cheese and a glass of wine that can immediately transport me to an outdoor Parisian cafe on a beautiful sunny day...when I am feeling especially poor this is my go to combination...pretty much any time you eat a baguette or even utter the word you feel all european and slightly churched up for a minute or two...lol
 This week there is a sale on blackberries...not in season locally ,mind you ,but it seems everything is always in season in Chili.And seeing how none of the big named stores seem to be buying locally these summer specialties are readily available year round(not as good you can clearly taste whats lacking but this recipe will bring out what ever luster may be within my little chilean imports!)..Off to the market where  I grabbed a quart of blackberries for $1.99, a block of extra sharp New York cheddar on sale 2for $4.00 ,a demi baguette for $1.29 and headed home to where a bottle of sympathy wine my man-friend got me was waiting!...
Tonight we will be making Blackberry Bramble. It is a fruit spread and it's divine! Pair this super sweet berrylicious spread with a super sharp cheese and a salty savory baguette and OOH LA LA!!Don't be surprised if you find yourself right in the middle of a Renoir painting!(with help from the vino of course)...

Blackberry Bramble              

1 quart blackberries                   1tsp ground allspice
2 cups sugar                              pinch nutmeg
1 1/4c white wine vinegar            1 stick Cinnamon
2 whole cloves                            squeeze lemon

In sauce pan mix all the ingredients and heat over Med heat till boil and sugars dissolved. Simmer one hour
remove from heat and let cool in the fridge...slice cheese and tear off a piece of baguette serve with a crisp white wine...and Put on a little Edith Piaf...I would recommend starring out into the starry sky and forgetting all about the fact that you are B R O K E! :)Bon appetit!

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