Jade Mason

Jade Mason

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Great Appetizers Think Alike...herbed cream cheese on pumpernickel with cucmbers and fresh dill

So after a long night of nightmares and not sleeping because apparently my subconscious is trying to work some stuff out... I was able to finally get about an hours sleep ..only to be woken upbright and early by the sounds of construction workers...because nothing says lets build something better then an impending hurricane!!!
  My neighbor Kathy (who graciously donated some gorgeous tomato's from her garden after catching a glimpse of my pathetic bounty in my garden) was preparing for a party. She invited me over to taste test a little appetizer she had whipped together...all I can say is YUMMMMM!!!! She had got a couple mini loafs of sliced pumpernickel and spread a herb and Italian seasoning creamed cheese over the bread and then topped them with sliced cucumbers and fresh dill...They are so sweet and fresh tasting they are very reminiscent of an English tea sandwich.. perfect little Hors d'oeurve for a hot muggy day outside. I absolutely love the flavors and I am really quite surprised that I never thought of this!  Thanks Kathy!!

1 loaf mini pumpernickel
Cream cheese
cucumbers sliced
fresh dill
1 small packet good seasons Italian dressing
fresh parsley (finely diced)
cracked pepper
In a bowl mix cream cheese and packet of dressing with parsley. Spread  each slice of bread with the cream cheese mix and layer with cucumbers and garnish with fresh dill! I would recommend serving these with a nice bottle of prossecco and sleep!!lol

Monday, August 22, 2011

Drama Free Fried Green Tomato BLT's With garlic avacado spread and over easy egg!

So once again I tried my hand at gardening....epic fail!I started back in May carefully caring for the seedlings of two tomato plants, radishs, some cucumbers , lettuce , chilis, and three types of herbs. I waited until an appropriate time and planted them outside.Just like the directions told me to doand then came the freezing temps and snow in JUNE. I am going to take this and run with it as the main reason why I have ONE radish to show for all my love and hard work. But then it was as if it happened overnight 6 mini tomatos appeared on my plants!!! And well, after being cooped up and writing all month...I have decided that tonight I will pluck one of theese babies , fry it up and make a well deserved Fried Green tomato BLT with a garlic avacado spread. This is so easy and perfect for the paitient gardner who can't wait to taste the fruits of his labor. And may i suggest some freah squeezed lemonade and salty kettle chips...perfect end of summer meal! back to the book!Cheers!

1 green tomato sliced and sweeted on paper towels
1 egg beaten
bread crumbs
thick country style bread
1 avacado riped pitted peeled and smashed
1 garlic clve finely diced
bacon (thick cut /cooked)
salt/ pepper/ dash cumin
oil for frying
egg cooked over easy
In a medium saute pan heat oil. Coat each tomato slice with egg then bread crumbs. Fry in oil tiull golden brown on each side. Drain oil on paper towels. Mash fresh garlic salt pepper cummin and 1 tbsp mayo with avacado. Spread mixture on the bread. Layer with lettuce, fried tomatos bacon and then top with fried egg over easy. Serve with some yummy salty kettle chips and lemonade.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nice to SEA-food you again! (shrimp clam scallop and mussel paella)

Who would have thought that writing this book would drain me of any creativity I have left to so much as write up a quick little recipe. I have been so busy finishing up with this project and doing final tests on the recipes I must admit that the very last thing on my mind is food...but lucky for you I have been working on desserts for the past three days and I am hungry!! I have been craving seafood and veggies(anything non-sugar based) and i have most especially been dreaming about Paella.
  Paella is a Spanish dish.it's simular to a jambalaya...it has your rice, sausage, seafood veggies and spices. There are three basic types of paella..they vary depending on where you are in Spain...theres your classic paella that is made with meats and garden veggies and land snails and then there is your mixed paella which is pretty much like a free form (throw anything in ) and then theres my personal favorite shrimp and seafood paella that omits some of the veggies and most importantly .the land snails.. In my version I like to add fresh shucked clams and mussels as well as clam juice, it adds this great briny flavor and really balances out the dish.  Seafood is super cheap right now and kielbasa is on sale everywhere. Your probably looking at spending around $15.00 for a dish that serves 6 comfortably. Theres allot of rain and cooler temps headed our way and this is a fantastic dish to serve for a nice get together.

1tbsp. cold pressed olive oil
1 Spanish onion chopped
1 green pepper finely diced
1 cup kielbasa
1 pound shrimp
1/2 lb fresh clams(cleaned)
1/2 lb scallops
1/2 lb mussels
8 oz. clam juice
3 plum roma tomatos(chopped and seeded)
1/2 cup fresh peas
1/2 cup green olives diced(pitted)
3 cloves garlic diced
1bay leaf
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup white wine
1/4teaspoon saffron
1/2 cup water
3/4 rice
Over med high heat saute the onions and kielbasa until tender. Add garlic and saffron. Cook 2 minutes and then add your rice. Add the clam juice, bay leaf and 1/4 cup water, bring to a boil then reduce to medium heat and cover. Simmer 10 minutes. Add tomatoes and wine then cover and simmer 15 minutes until the rice is tender. Add all the seafood and cook for 8 minutes until rice is done. Serve.