Jade Mason

Jade Mason

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why does Spring hate me?!!!

If spring refuses to come out and discuss this like adults then I refuse to post any spring -like recipes! This is typically the time of year when Im grilling up lamb chops and tossing some fennel and arugula salads..but becuase Mother Nature is acting like the non-commital boyfriend I have been seeing for the past three years and refusing to just pick a season and stick with it, I am finding it really difficult to get inspired and really feel that "springtime renewal feeling". Instead I have been feeling the need to escape to foriegn lands..like India! I was super sick over the weekend along with everyone else in this state, and for just the simple desire to actually breathe I whipped up some delicious and aromatic indian. Indian food can be pretty complex and the ingredients can be pricy and not always easy to find. But it can also be a beautifully simple..and INEXPENSIVE!! This meal will cost you 10bucks and you have enough to serve 4 or pick at all weekend!!Here's my take on Tandorri Chicken and a Spicy Tomato Onion Chutney (I bought Nann bread..I was sick cut me some slack)and a Cucumber Radish salad...Ananda (Hindi for Enjoy!)*bonus-it's diet friendly!!

Tandori chicken
1small conatiner ff plain yogart           2 smahed garlic cloves
4 chicken cutlets                                lemon juice 1/2 lemon
fresh grated ginger                             paprika/tumeric 1tbsp each
1/4 cup diced cilantro                          1tsp cumin
Throw all of the ingredients in a conatiner toss marinate for 4 hours. heat up grill and cook 4 minutes each side. (check inside to make sure it's white)

Tomato Onion Chutney
lime juice 1/4cup                      tumeric 1tsp      grated ginger 1tsp
4 roma tomatos finely diced      paprika 1tsp    1tsp oil
1 small onion finely diced           seasalt  1tsp    cumin 1tsp
 Mixed all ingerients together and chill. Serve with warm nann bread.

Cucumber Radish cilantro Salad
1cup peeled halved and sliced cumcuber         1 cup sliced radish
1tbsp plain fat free yogart                              1tbsp lemon juice
Fresh dill chopped 1/4 cup                                   
Mix all ingredients together and serve chilled.:)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nothing says "Fiesta!!" like a cold crappy snowy day!..in April

Snow.....really? Well the good news is that we have more followers!!! The bad news is it is so crappy out! Its that wet sticky heavy rainy snow. The snow that seems to turn all new englander's into senior citizens  behind the wheel..breaking for no apparent reason and driving 15 miles per hour on Route 1.  So today after the aggravations of the road I was in no mood to deal with the large super markets so I went back to my safety...Crosby's market. And despite the crap weather I am feeling quite festive! So I grabbed a pack of beautiful stir fry beef for $2.23(already pre-sliced) and some corn tortillas for $1 ...some fresh cilantro and onion and a lime...and thats when I saw them...bright bulbs of orange winking at me from behind the jalepenos triple dog daring me to come closer and possibly consider taking them home...HABENEROS!!! Just saying the word evokes instant memories off flesh burning heat in my mouth!! So I grabbed them and also a small container of sour cream(for emergency cooling on contact) Now I never used to use gloves...until I literally burned my eye an hour after contact with a habenero..so as a safety precaution I would put on a pair of latex gloves and call it a day. My favorite way to fire roast anything is simple...skewer the veg and lay it on top of open flame on stove...until you start to see a nice char(black spots) and then turn the skewer to get even effect all the way around. Cool the veg, in this case the Habenero, and then after putting on the gloves scoop out and devaine the insides. Throw into a blender with salt lime juice and a dash of cummin and you have a phenomenal habenero sauce!!
 Now turn your indoor grill on and then cook the beef to your liking..steam the corn tortillas and then assemble ..corn tortilla beef , diced onion fresh cilantro accompany with a lime and some sour cream on the side. Serve the fresh roast habenero on the side or with some fresh pico de giao and instantly transport those taste buds to a warm south American fiesta!** I always have rice to serve with my tacos de carne.. but I keep it simple: cooked rice,  butter,  sea salt and pepper..it plays nicely with the fire in your mouth from the beef tacos.